DataFlow Sanitizer¶
Compiling Exiv2 with DFSan¶
dfsan require all functions (including C++ libraries) to be instructed, given source code or specified ABI list. This is a tiring work, thankfully Angora has paved our way, which utilize dfsan to locate which bytes are related to conditional branch. So, let’s start building in Angora container.
In the following steps, we will compile libcxx using dfsan first, then compile expat and zlib, finally we can build exiv2 with dfsan.
# run the container, this image is based on Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS, and contain clang-7 and required abi list file.
alias d=docker
d pull zjuchenyuan/angora
d run -it --privileged -v /data:/data -w /data zjuchenyuan/angora /bin/bash
# create our ABI list file
cd /data
cat /angora/llvm_mode/build/dfsan_rt/share/dfsan_abilist.txt > mylist.txt
cat /angora/llvm_mode/dfsan_rt/abilibstdc++.txt >> mylist.txt
# download and compile libc++, ref: https://github.com/AngoraFuzzer/Angora/blob/master/llvm_mode/libcxx/compile.sh
apt install -y ninja-build
wget http://releases.llvm.org/${LLVM_VERSION}/llvm-${LLVM_VERSION}.src.tar.xz
wget http://releases.llvm.org/${LLVM_VERSION}/cfe-${LLVM_VERSION}.src.tar.xz
wget http://releases.llvm.org/${LLVM_VERSION}/compiler-rt-${LLVM_VERSION}.src.tar.xz
wget http://releases.llvm.org/${LLVM_VERSION}/libcxx-${LLVM_VERSION}.src.tar.xz
wget http://releases.llvm.org/${LLVM_VERSION}/libcxxabi-${LLVM_VERSION}.src.tar.xz
wget http://releases.llvm.org/${LLVM_VERSION}/libunwind-${LLVM_VERSION}.src.tar.xz
wget http://releases.llvm.org/${LLVM_VERSION}/clang-tools-extra-${LLVM_VERSION}.src.tar.xz
tar -Jxf ${CUR_DIR}/llvm-${LLVM_VERSION}.src.tar.xz
mv llvm-${LLVM_VERSION}.src $CLANG_SRC
cd ${CLANG_SRC}/tools
tar -Jxf ${CUR_DIR}/cfe-${LLVM_VERSION}.src.tar.xz
mv cfe-${LLVM_VERSION}.src clang
cd ${CLANG_SRC}/tools/clang/tools
tar -Jxf ${CUR_DIR}/clang-tools-extra-${LLVM_VERSION}.src.tar.xz
mv clang-tools-extra-${LLVM_VERSION}.src extra
cd ${CLANG_SRC}/projects
tar -Jxvf ${CUR_DIR}/compiler-rt-${LLVM_VERSION}.src.tar.xz
mv compiler-rt-${LLVM_VERSION}.src compiler-rt
tar -Jxvf ${CUR_DIR}/libcxx-${LLVM_VERSION}.src.tar.xz
mv libcxx-${LLVM_VERSION}.src libcxx
tar -Jxvf ${CUR_DIR}/libcxxabi-${LLVM_VERSION}.src.tar.xz
mv libcxxabi-${LLVM_VERSION}.src libcxxabi
tar -Jxvf ${CUR_DIR}/libunwind-${LLVM_VERSION}.src.tar.xz
mv libunwind-${LLVM_VERSION}.src libunwind
cp ./libcxxabi/include/* ./libcxx/include
mkdir -p /data/build_llvm && cd /data/build_llvm
export CC="clang -ldl -lrt -lpthread -fsanitize=dataflow -fsanitize-blacklist=/data/mylist.txt" CXX="clang++ -ldl -lrt -lpthread -fsanitize=dataflow -fsanitize-blacklist=/data/mylist.txt"
ninja cxx cxxabi
export CC="clang -L/data/build_llvm/lib -stdlib=libc++ -lc++abi -ldl -lrt -lpthread -fsanitize=dataflow -fsanitize-blacklist=/data/mylist.txt -ggdb" CXX="clang++ -L/data/build_llvm/lib -stdlib=libc++ -lc++abi -ldl -lrt -lpthread -fsanitize=dataflow -fsanitize-blacklist=/data/mylist.txt -ggdb"
# download dependency (expat and zlib) source code
cd /data
sed -i 's/# deb-src/deb-src/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
apt update
apt source zlib1g-dev libexpat1-dev
# compile expat
cd /data/expat-2.1.0
./configure --prefix=/data/expat
make install -j
# compile zlib
cd /data/zlib-1.2.8.dfsg/
./configure --prefix=/data/zlib
make install -j
# download source code
cd /data
wget http://exiv2.org/releases/exiv2-0.26-trunk.tar.gz
tar zxvf exiv2-0.26-trunk.tar.gz
cd /data/exiv2-trunk
./configure --disable-shared --with-expat=/data/expat --with-zlib=/data/zlib
# now, we get our binary file: ./bin/exiv2, about 38MB
Why docker image zjuchenyuan/angora
Just to use already built-in clang-7, and two abi list files
Why -ldl -lrt -lpthread
It’s required for cmake cxx, otherwise build error like Host compiler appears to require libatomic, but cannot find it
Why compile expat and zlib¶
exiv2 depends on these two libraries, and DFSan require their source code to be compiled with DFSan.
Or, you can follow instructions here: https://github.com/AngoraFuzzer/Angora/issues/38, to create an abi list for libraries.
/angora/tools/gen_library_abilist.sh /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.so discard >> /data/mylist.txt
/angora/tools/gen_library_abilist.sh /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexpat.so discard >> /data/mylist.txt
Why --disable-shared
This is to build a single binary file for easier fuzzing.
Wanna debug? No optimization¶
Compiling Exiv2 with DFSan, with -O0
# let's continue our building process, use -O0 to facilitate debugging
cd /data/exiv2-trunk
CFLAGS='-O0' CXXFLAGS='-O0' ./configure --disable-shared --with-expat=/data/expat --with-zlib=/data/zlib
make clean; find . -name '*.o' -delete
make -j
# now we get bin/exiv2, about 44MB